07577010011 8am-5pm Out-of-Hours 07951613221 5pm - 10pm info@hedgehogrescueblackpool.co.uk

Registered Charity – 1188161

Hedgehog Merchandise

Hedgehog Rescue Blackpool is run and operated by its founder Jean Turner and a valuable and crucial team of volunteers and approved foster carers.

Become A Sponsor

Hedgehog Rescue Blackpool Merchandise

Purchasing Hedgehog Rescue Blackpool merchandise is another way for you to visibly show your support for our charitable organisation. All profits made via selling merchandise goes straight back in to helping save one of the UK’s much-loved and now endangered creatures.

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More items will be listed here when they become available. As our equipment is heavily used over the years it is slowly being replaced with better more modern alternatives. We rely on donations, sponsorship and purchases to buy incubators, heat pads, indoor and outdoor cages and lots (and lots!) of food for one of the UK’s much loved endangered creatures.

Contact Hedgehog Rescue Blackpool

Hedgehog Sponsorship

Hedgehog Sponsorship Information..

Hedgehog Rescue Blackpool rely entirely on sponsorships and donations to keep the hedgehog rescue running. If you are able to make a donation or would like to become a sponsor to help us, help them, then please do.
