Registered Charity – 1188161
Hedgehog Rescue
Hedgehog Rescue Blackpool is run and operated by its founder Jean Turner alongside her amazing group of volunteers.
Hedgehog S.O.S
Have you found a Hedgehog?
Does it need rescuing? Please be careful, it might not.
First things first – Stay calm do not panic, assess the situation in our detailed hedgehog care instruction guide.
Below are some tell tail signs that will help you evaluate whether or not a hedgehog needs help.

Hedgehogs don’t sunbathe, if you find a lethargic hedgehog it is probably in trouble. Contact the rescue if in doubt.
If you find a hedgehog with a lot of flies buzzing around, it needs help. Contact the rescue as soon as possible.
If hedgehogs are wobbling around as they walk there is something wrong and they need help.
If a hedgehog is obviously wounded or in distress, it needs help. Contact the rescue as soon as possible.
If a hedgehog has been caught in netting, a pond, drain etc, it needs help. Call the rescue as soon as possible.
If young hedgehogs are seen out during daytime without an adult, they need your help. Call the rescue as soon as possible.
Caring For Hedgehogs
Have you found an injured or abandoned Hedgehog? Before you touch the animal please check our hedgehog care FAQs below to get the correct advice; you may not need to intervene at all.
Remember that wild animals are very different from domestic animals; your dog or cat may be comforted by your presence and gentle stroking; a wild animal will be stressed and frightened by your presence and in some circumstances it may cause more harm than good. Our advice is ALWAYS given putting the animal first. In some circumstances the advice might be to do nothing; in others we may advise you to bring the animal to us. Our care FAQs will talk you through what to do for the best.
If you don’t find the information you need please pick up the phone and call us for advice, our team are more than happy to help and advise.
When Hedghogs Breed
Hedgehogs will breed any time between April and September, but mostly during May and June. Both male and female hedgehogs can mate several times a year with multiple partners. Litters usually consist of around four or five young, called hoglets, born between June and July with some late second litters born in September.
Hoglets are born blind and deaf, and their spines are pure white when they first appear soon after birth. They’ll start leaving the nest to forage with their mother around four weeks old, and will be independent by about six weeks old.
Hedgehog Rescue Blackpool Emergency Contact Numbers
Call Jean on 07577010011 8am till 5pm or our Out-Of-Hours team on 07951613221 5pm till 10pm,
If nobody answers the phone please Leave a Voicemail with a Name and contact Number and we shall call you back.
Please DO NOT use the contact forms on the site if you have found a hedgehog in need of assistance.
Please call one of the numbers above
Contact Hedgehog Rescue Blackpool